Full Stack Development with MERN Stack at Career Engine

Program Duration

7 Months

Course Fee

Rs. 2,500/ Per Month

Class Mode



Basic Computer Familiarity


Only for Offline Students


USD 99/ Per Month

You will Learn

Turn Your Creativity into a Career with Graphic & Motion Design!

If you are looking for a supportive online learning environment, where you will learn practical skills in Graphic & Motion Design, then look no further. We teach you the hands on skills you need by helping you develop your own projects as an online portfolio, so that you can add links to your resume that showcase your creativity. Your success is our success.

If you have some background in computers and have the hunger to learn and the time to practice over and over, then we can help you succeed.

Meet Your Instructors


Jashandeep Singh

Co-Founder & Instructor


Graphic & Motion Design

Full Stack Development - MERN Stack

Sample Videos

Career Engine Vs Others

Why Career Engine

We Are Special!

⭐ Career Engine
Our staff has executed multiple domestic and overseas projects which can be seen at www.jdwebservices.com/
2 hours of hands-on learning each day, Monday to Friday. Much of this learning will be hands-on and project-based.
You will pay just Rs 2,500 per month for 7 months of 2 hours of training each day
Class size is capped at a maximum of 15 students
We will help you develop & showcase your projects and portfolio items to potential employers by assisting you in creating a robust & rich resume
If there are any severe circumstances due to which we cannot conduct classes, like an electricity outage, floods, holidays etc., we will deliver extra classes at no charge (of course).
If you are an in-person student at our Sri Muktsar Sahib location or are a student of one of our partner centres, we will consider granting scholarships to you.
Most teachers are theoretical teachers and have never executed any projects for domestic or overseas clients
Mostly 1 hour of theoretical knowledge with limited project or porfolio development
Most computer centres will charge you Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000 per hour for the theoretical sessions
No resume or portfolio work is provided.
No extra classes are offered.
No scholarships are available.

What They Said!

Student Portfolio

Drum Kit with Keyboard Integration


Explore the rhythmic world with our interactive drum kit developed in plain JavaScript. Experience the harmony of percussion by seamlessly playing drums using your computer keyboard.

View Project
Thrilling Car Game


Engage in an exhilarating experience with our cool car game. Control your vehicle using the left and right arrow keys, and navigate through obstacles, but beware – a collision ends the game.

View Project
Classic Snake Game Revival


Relive the nostalgia of the classic Snake game on our platform. Maneuver the serpent, gobble up food to grow longer, but avoid collisions with yourself and the boundaries.

View Project
Simplified To-Do List in JavaScript


Stay organized with our user-friendly To-Do List developed in JavaScript. Easily add, delete, and mark tasks as complete, providing a straightforward solution for managing your daily agenda.

View Project
Dynamic Image Gallery


Immerse yourself in visual storytelling with our Image Gallery enhanced by JavaScript. Experience seamless zoom effects and captivating animations, adding a touch of elegance to your browsing journey.

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Bottle Spin Animation in JavaScript


Add a twist of fun to your web experience with our Bottle Spin project. Witness captivating bottle rotations, animated with JavaScript. Whether for games or entertainment, let the digital bottle spin bring an engaging flair to your online environment.

View Project

What They Said!

Program Curriculum


  1. Introduction HTML
  2. Basic HTML and Syntax
  3. Style Tag and Text Formatting
  4. Comments, Favicon
  5. Page Title, Meta Tags
  6. HTML List and Tables
  7. Forms


  1. Introduction & Syntax
  2. Basic HTML and Syntax
  3. Background, Color and Images
  4. Border, Margin, Padding
  5. Box Model, Inspect Element
  6. Text Format, Text Color
  7. Alignment, Decoration, Css links
  8. Fonts and PSEUDO Classes
  9. Display Properties, Positions
  10. Z-Index, Overflow, Opacity
  11. Navigation bar, Important Rule
  12. CSS Math Functions
  13. Corners, Multiple Backgrounds
  14. Gradients, 2d, 3d Transform
  15. Transition, Object fit
  16. Responsive Website


  1. JS Introduction
  2. Variables, Data Types
  3. Functions, Events
  4. Window Objects, Loops
  5. Conditional Statements
  6. String Methods, Array Methods
  7. Higher Order Array Method
  8. Object Model
  9. Promises, Async/Await
  10. Error Finding (try/catch/throw/finally)
  11. Local/Session Storage
  12. API's, HTTP Methods (GET/POST)


  1. Bootstrap Introduction
  2. Colours & Typography
  3. Buttons & Button Groups
  4. Utility Classes
  5. Containers
  6. Grid Layout
  7. Navbars
  8. Cards
  9. Accordions
  10. List Groups
  11. Bootstrap Icons, Forms, Modals
  12. Working on Projects


  1. React Introduction & Installation
  2. React App Folder Structure
  3. Understanding JSX
  4. Components Import/Export
  5. Styling Components
  6. Props & Prop-types
  7. Creating Movies Website
  8. React Dev Tools | If-Else Statement
  9. Introduction to React Hooks
  10. useEffect Hook Explained
  11. Events in React
  12. React-Router-Dom v6 & Hooks
  13. useRef, useReducer Hook
  14. useEffect & Custom Hook
  15. useMemo ,useCallback
  16. React Loaders & Toastify
  17. Class Based Components, Redux


  1. Node JS Introduction
  2. Installation and Setup
  3. First Script Program with node js
  4. Fundaments of Node js
  5. Core module in Node js
  6. Nodemon in node js
  7. Make Simple API in Node js
  8. Input from command line
  9. Show file List with file system
  10. Curd with File System
  11. Asynchronous Node js
  12. Handle Asynchronous Data
  13. Express js Introduction
  14. Routing with express js
  15. Render html in node js
  16. Make HTML pages in node js
  17. Middleware,Route Level Middleware


  1. Route level middleware
  2. Install Mongodb for node
  3. CURD operation with MongoDB
  4. API's
  5. Nodejs Mongoose
  6. CURD Operation with MongoDB & Node
  7. Events and event emitter in node js


Adobe After Effect


The Single Restaurant Online Food Order System is a MERN Stack website application that enables users to effortlessly order from a specific restaurant's menu, offering a streamlined and convenient dining experience tailored to a single culinary destination.


The MERN Stack AI Image Generation project leverages the power of Full Stack web development to create a dynamic platform for generating a wide array of captivating images and designs through artificial intelligence, merging creativity and technology seamlessly.


It will be a chat app with a lot of cool features like online indicator, uploads/attachments, auto-scrolling and many others.


Experience the world of Full Stack Development with the MERN stack by building your own Netflix clone - a dynamic and immersive project that encompasses both front-end and back-end development, making you a versatile developer ready to tackle real-world challenges.